EcholoN Data Workflow System - Data integration made easy

Companies and organizations use a wide variety of systems. The range extends from common ERP solutions, different database systems via self-developed applications and portals.



Effective data management through data maintenance in just one place

Converting data is not an easy task in most cases. When integrating, care must be taken to ensure that when transferring from one system to another, data must be filtered, sorted, split and / or assembled.

The challenge is to integrate data from centralized and decentralized systems simply and efficiently or to make it available to third-party systems.

EcholoN - Data Integration - ETL - System Coupling - EcholoN Data Workflow - DWS

Data integration with EcholoN

The EcholoN Data Workflow System (DWS) is a universal system for data integration (DI) and system coupling. Information and data can be migrated and exchanged from one system to another and imported and exported.

Data can be read from almost any data source and made available via the DWS. Whether once, periodically, daily or weekly - you define at what time or at which event information and data should be exchanged.

Among the most commonly used data sources include

  • Files like Excel, XML, text files in CSV / SDF format, etc.
  • SQL as a generic connection to MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL etc. or via ODBC
  • Directory Services such as LDAP, Active Directory Service (ADS), Novell eDirectory (NDS)
  • SNMP for scanning the network infrastructure
  • Tools specific like: PRTG, NAGIOS, ZABBIX, HP SIM, WhatsUP, etc.
  • Standard Web Services with SOAP and WSDL
  • System specific like: SAP via BAPI and Web Service
  • M2M via MQTT
EcholoN Dataworkflow System Data Integration - Schematic Structure Data Flow with Data Accesses and Connectors

Data Workflow System in practical use

The graphical user interface makes connecting the individual fields intuitively: on the left, the elements of the data source appear, and on the right those of the destination. Now click on a name and drag it to the right - already a connection that connects the two elements with each other appears.

In the first mapping, the search determines which data records should be taken into account based on which criteria. In the second mapping, which elements are passed on during import and synchronization. Optionally, the third mapping determines what should happen if an already synchronized object no longer exists in the source (deactivated / deleted).

The EcholoN DWS is executed as a service and processes the defined tasks directly or at the specified time. In addition, individual task parts or entire workflows can also be called up manually via the console. This offers not only the output of the current activities but also the generation of a logfile.

Connection of a monitoring system, for example Nagios

The goal of a connection is that alarms and messages automatically generate a process to process them, for example, automatically in EcholoN. The following description shows two common ways: via e-mail and at the database level.

The connection via e-mail takes place in three steps. First, Nagios is configured to send "messages" to a specific queue. In the second step, the queue is linked via DWS to EcholoN. The DWS processes the data from the queue (cyclic polling of the queue, parsing of the message, etc.). In the last step, the feedback is sent to Nagios.

The connection at the database level is a bit more comfortable. The prerequisite is that Nagios writes the messages to a central database (for example, Oracle, MS SQL - Server, MySQL) with a corresponding module (for example, PRTG, NagiosEventDB). The DWS is connected directly to the database. Here both the handover to an echoing process and the sending of "acknowledgments" take place.

You find "EcholoN Data Workflow System (DWS)" in these packages

DWS fully integrated according to the module configuration

Fully integrated

DWS fully integrated according to the module configuration

Fully integrated

DWS fully integrated according to the module configuration

Fully integrated

DWS fully integrated according to the module configuration

Fully integrated