With EcholoN, Hamburg Messe und Congress creates new trust in their IT department
"Hamburg Messe und Congress is a full service provider with excellent service for the organization and implementation of national and international trade fairs and congresses.
87,000 m2 of hall space on one of the most modern exhibition centers in the world in a logistically unique location - that's Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH. In the middle of Hamburg - the growing metropolis on the water and probably one of the most beautiful cities in the world with a flourishing economy, green, rich in culture and traditions, full of quality of life and future ..." Quote hamburg-messe.de/unternehmen

Exhibition halls at the south entrance
Ensuring internal process quality with EcholoN IT-Service Management
The users of the IT department at Hamburg Messe und Congress (HMC) are the almost 300 employees who are supported in business processes with regard to information technology and communication technology. This both through the creation and maintenance of the necessary hardware-side infrastructure, i.e. servers, platforms, telecommunications systems, etc., as well as through the introduction of the employees in this field and through the handling of new projects.
The confidence of users in the IT department has been weakened in the past by various factors. So it could happen that calls were lost or their processing could not be tracked. If the IT was absent, no support took place. To remedy this situation, HMC was looking for a combined IT-service management / service management solution. With the introduction of EcholoN, the service desk has now improved; all inquiries can be researched and tracked in their processing status. Ultimately, this also creates a relationship of trust between users and IT.
Choosing EcholoN Enterprise Service Management Suite
The HMC was primarily looking for a solution that supports ITIL, is from a German-speaking manufacturer and has a good price / performance ratio. On this basis, a specification was put together, researched on the Internet, interviewed other trade fair companies and visited CeBIT to finally invite the selected providers to presentations in the house. The choice fell on EcholoN: now the complete hardware and software as well as the telecommunication systems are supported.
Installation and setup of EcholoN
The challenge for HMC was the parallel introduction of ITIL; not all of the employees had been trained yet, so some awareness raising was necessary.
In contrast, cooperation with mIT solutions GmbH proved to be uncomplicated. The data import was discussed in advance. Thanks to ITIL, clear structures had already been worked out and the inventory databases etc. had already been appropriately prepared, so that the first positive effects soon became apparent: Confidence in IT has increased immensely.
"Inventory maintenance is really clean and well structured; which is very positive for us, among other things, in the evaluations." Olaf Cordes, IT service manager at Hamburg Messe and Congress
The work and experience with EcholoN
Even after the initial euphoria, HMC remains satisfied with “their” service management solution. This continued enthusiasm is also gladly communicated to other departments and areas by Olaf Cordes, HMC's IT service manager. All in all, HMC feels that it is looked after by family mIT solutions GmbH in a sustainable manner. "(...) Nice that it still exists today. And then also in this continuity and professionalism, ”says Olaf Cordes, who furthermore is very positive about the flexibility of mIT solutions GmbH in terms of both the support and the EcholoN product. He is looking forward to a joint, individual solution when preparing and carrying out new updates.