EcholoN success story at Stadtwerke Bietigheim-Bissingen

Stadtwerke Bietigheim-Bissingen (SWBB)

Stadtwerke Bietigheim-Bissingen presents itself as a customer-orientated and innovative energy supplier that offers a broad portfolio of services. This includes the supply of electricity, gas, water and district heating as well as the operation of swimming pools and ice rinks. SWBB is particularly committed to promoting electromobility through the development of a comprehensive charging infrastructure. The company emphasises its regional commitment, investment in renewable energies and personal customer service

A decade of IT service management and digital transformation at Stadtwerke Bietigheim-Bissingen with EcholoN

"For a coffee" with Mario Sitte, Head of IT at Stadtwerke Bietigheim-Bissingen, reports on almost 10 years of successful use of EcholoN in IT service management.

EcholoN has been a central pillar of the IT infrastructure at Stadtwerke Bietigheim-Bissingen for almost a decade. Under the full support of Mario Sitte, the system has not only increased efficiency, but also ensured a transparent and organised way of working.

Areas of use and functions

The entire IT department and all employees benefit from the EcholoN service portal with self-help function. The comprehensive service management, configuration management with CMDB and the data workflow system are the most appreciated functions. They enable efficient management of contracts, licences, hardware and software.

Measurable benefits and increased efficiency

The implementation of EcholoN has led to a significant increase in efficiency of 90-95% by centralising processes such as contract and licence management. These optimisations are documented by regular reporting and quarterly evaluations.

Implementation and further development

The introduction of EcholoN within six weeks is a particular source of pride for Mario Sitte. Step-by-step enhancements enabled the system to be optimally adapted to requirements. The training courses provided a solid basis, which was deepened by practical experience and the excellent support from mIT solutions.

Future prospects

EcholoN will continue to play a central role at Stadtwerke Bietigheim-Bissingen and serve as a platform for optimising processes. The introduction of EcholoN has not only positively changed the IT department, but also the entire company and provided a previously unrivalled level of transparency.